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Can I let you in on a secret?


Fitness, lifting and exercise is NOT the first thing to tackle when it comes to health. In fact, it’s the last thing.


Getting your MIND and your HEART in the right place is the first piece of the puzzle. 


Meat Me In The Woods


Meat Me In The Woods is in the business of helping people live better lives — and beyond that, BE better BEINGS. My mission is to connect you with the tools I stand behind, to kick-start an elevated lifestyle. 


From supplements to hiking gear and holistic aids, I only endorse products that help me — and YOU — become more connected to nature, the food you eat and the habits that help you thrive. 


Beyond the ‘things’ that help maintain health, consistency and staying open to change will bring about the most success. Our journeys are not linear, and through our cultivated community of powerful people that want to “break open” and achieve their wildest dreams, we can accomplish just that.

Danielle “Meat Me In The Woods” Gordon

I’m Danielle Gordon. It’s great to “meat” you!

As a solo traveler and middle-aged woman, I have an extensive list of hobbies including (but not limited to)  hiking, ultra trail running, backpacking, lifting heavy shit, and spending time in the mountains (like….an obsessive amount of time). 

I love meat. I also love to hunt and fish. Eventually, I want to live off the grid and source my own food. But it didn’t start that way.

I started Meat Me In The Woods after ending my one-on-one coaching career, because I saw a greater need to nourish people like myself — adventurous, badass, and hard to kill — to encourage passion and intensity to bring about POWERFUL change.

I want to be a greater service beyond myself. I want to wake up every day and set the world on FIRE!

Be open. Be curious. Be consistent.


How MMITW Began


I often get asked, “Danielle, how do you get to do what you do?” 


The crux of my journey started through addiction, coupled with a very different lifestyle. My childhood was the complete opposite of the life I live now. My journey started out of necessity, to save my own life, as I was losing friends to their destructive pastimes.


I didn’t start eating meat until I was 22 years old. After a few more years of settling into healthier habits, I was able to seek out the next steps to becoming a NEW and IMPROVED me through healing food and a nourishing life.


Eventually I went down a rabbit hole of figuring out how to optimize my brain. I started asking myself questions:


How can I enable myself to harvest my own meat? 

How much sharper can my brain become? 

How much stronger can I get? 

How can I do more?


I started Meat Me In The Woods after ending my one-on-one coaching career, because I saw a greater need to nourish people like myself — adventurous, badass, and hard to kill — to encourage passion and intensity to bring about POWERFUL change.


Meat Me on an Adventure


I want to be a greater service beyond myself. I want to wake up every day and set the world on FIRE!


Be open. Be curious. Be consistent.


I can’t wait for you to come along on this journey. Say hi, drop a line on my socials and sign up for my newsletter!

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