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Steve. My friend. My healer.

My friend. My healer. I’m so grateful for the love, laughter, muscles and outrageous antics you brought into my life.

Our day started with the sunrise and you made it even brighter. You are the only other crazy person that would meet me, rain or shine, consistently at 5am every single day.

We had a tradition of tequila and hopdoddy’s after our Saturday sessions. You made even the simplest of moments an event.

We treated our training like an experiment. We learned together. Cracking ourselves up at how ridiculous two Neanderthals, with big frizzy hair, must look as we always seemed to make a scene. We didn’t care. It was our own little meathead world.

When I was in pain you rushed to my side daily. Ensuring I could move and walk. I trusted you with my life, I always would.

During the pandemic, we sat in alleys and doorways of vacant business in the apocalyptic rainstorms last spring. Hanging out like vagrants in the street. I always knew I was safe with you.

You were so worried about losing those golden locks and your body of steel that you had sculpted for so many years. Well, my friend, you were able to take that with you.

We were chatting every day as treatment started. This doesn’t seem quite real.

Steve, you changed my world. It was brighter, louder, more loving, and fun with you in it. I will hold on to every memory.

It wasn’t just me. You touched everyone around you. You GIFTED everyone you treated with more life, more joy, hope for a better tomorrow. Your gifts did change this world. You were and are a healer for all.

Your presence is within us all. You are always here.

There is a gofund me set up for his family. I know they would appreciate anything that you can do.


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I am a devoted daughter, sister, crazy auntie, mountain biker, Olympic lifter, yogi in training, adventure seeker and a chocolate connoisseur.  I have not always been all of these things.  In fact, you’ll never guess what I once was….