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Twisted Ultra

Returning to self….☺️

I thought about what this means to me for 13 hours out on the stunning course of the #TwistedForkUltra in Park City.

Time in the #wilderness for me, is like going to ceremony. That’s where I work out all of the obstacles I have (literally and figuratively). That’s where I take all the puzzle pieces in my life and situate them just right to see the big picture.

The Universe speaks to me so boldly she can’t be ignored. Or, it could just be that all else is stripped and I’m forced to listen as I’m blistered open in the midst of a beautiful sufferfest.

Out here everything makes sense
Out here nothing matters

For so long “identity” was the engagement in wild places. We are so far removed from that place

I am rewilding
I am the wild 🏔

#StayHard was another phrase that kept coming up for me as @davidgoggins voice blast through my veins. It wasn’t about being so hard and callused that I don’t feel. I acknowledge the pain and let it go.

My dichotomous thoughts made me laugh out loud. Being open to the universe doesn’t make me soft or easily broken, and being #HardAF doesn’t make me impervious to feeling all the feelz ☺️

My perceived limitations are my doubts, my fears, that feeling of being a fraud. Of not fulfilling my purpose in the time that we are gifted.

I know my body can bulldoze through anything. Through heat, exhaustion, destruction, challenges, my sheer meathead mentality of STAY HARD.

My heart says #StayOpen. My heart stays wild.

Funny what you think about during a 44 mile run. I often wish I had a tape recorder that I could get down all my thoughts. Trying to recall the words with the same depth and feeling seems to lack so much of what it meant in the moment.

Maybe that’s exactly what it means to live in the moment. Stop trying to record every word, every picture, post everything I’m doing……and just be in it. #RightHereRightNow.

Rambling thoughts

This was incredibly challenging and every step more amazing than the last. I felt like I could keep going

Thank you for being there for me, to train, support and celebrate. I’m grateful to you!!

 #runfam#trailfam 📸 @boundless.running
📸 @patrick.mceneany

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I am a devoted daughter, sister, crazy auntie, mountain biker, Olympic lifter, yogi in training, adventure seeker and a chocolate connoisseur.  I have not always been all of these things.  In fact, you’ll never guess what I once was….