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Bubs 10 years later

For the past 10 years, I have never been alone on this day…..

On every anniversary of Benghazi, I have been with people I love. Honoring you through adventures, service, hard AF workouts, time in the wilderness and ALWAYS with loved ones.

@slakeo words resonated so deeply with me. Anger, sadness, disbelief and grief over the years has turned into deep gratitude, fuel to the fire, immeasurable appreciate & inspiration.

My life is better because of what you left behind, my relationships are deeper, my love is greater. Life is better because of you. You have connected me to some of the most amazing humans that walk this earth.

How strange it is that you’re not here to share it.

You continue to make this world a better place.

Very proud to be apart of the @bubsnaturals family. They are in great service and carrying on your legacy. ❤️

“Love what you have, before life teaches you to love what you lost”

I loved you then. I love you now. I love you always.


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I am a devoted daughter, sister, crazy auntie, mountain biker, Olympic lifter, yogi in training, adventure seeker and a chocolate connoisseur.  I have not always been all of these things.  In fact, you’ll never guess what I once was….

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