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More Than A Stamp

Officially official ….. my first #duckstamp 🦆

I’m extremely proud of this $25 Federal Duck Stamp program — which raises about $40 million (Oct 2021) for conservation each year.

The decision to take an animals life is not a decision taken lightly and, in most cases, has been a culmination of a long period of preparation and investment in the environment.

As a hunter and fisherman, I act as a steward of the land not only for my own benefit but for the benefit of OUR future. It’s an active choice to bear the majority of the cost and responsibility.

Im no expert. I’m still learning. I’m grateful for these opportunities
#foreverastudent 😌

“Buying Federal Duck Stamps is among the simplest ways that anyone can participate in wildlife and habitat conservation”. Whether you are a hunter, birder or other outdoors enthusiast or you simply want to help preserve our natural resources for future generations to enjoy, you can contribute to conservation by buying Duck Stamps”


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I am a devoted daughter, sister, crazy auntie, mountain biker, Olympic lifter, yogi in training, adventure seeker and a chocolate connoisseur.  I have not always been all of these things.  In fact, you’ll never guess what I once was….